Life Is A Road Trip

The Amazing Adventures of a Zoobroker and a Sentiographer


Nightshots: Big timber, Montana Star Shoot

montana, photography, SpamZalotMatt Hill3 Comments

Wow... The Milky Way was in full effect tonight on the New Moon. We stopped off on our way to Bozeman in Big Timber, Montana to get some sky without light pollution. There was a lots of particulate in the air, though. This first shot is 6 minutes @ 400 ISO, f/4. Milky Way behind star arcs:

Next off we have Zoo Broker and the horizon:

And then me with the horizon:

And then we pulled out some Kung Fu to finish off the cold (and warm up):

(I won...)

Last three shots were 10 min @ ISO 400, f/4. Can't wait for tomorrow night!